We have partnered with the Marin Community Foundation to leverage their expertise, connections, and resources in achieving our philanthropic goals. For inquiries, please contact Lara Fox:
Our giving is a natural result of the gratitude we feel for the abundance of love, support, and financial resources we have received from family, friends, and the businesses we have created and supported.
The Meyer family spent many years focusing our philanthropy on various impactful approaches to empowering people, their families, and their communities. Today our philanthropic strategy is singularly focused on addressing climate change within our lifetimes, and we have identified our grantee partners for that work. We deeply admire the work of all our past grantees and thank them for it.
Selected organizations we support

MCE Social Capital
MCE Social Capital uses a pioneering loan guarantee model to fund micro-finance institutions that generate economic opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people, particularly women, in more than 30 countries.
KickStart designs and promotes low-cost, high quality irrigation pumps, enabling poor farmers in Kenya, Ghana, Zambia, and other African countries to irrigate their land, diversify crops, increase yields and incomes, and build a durable path out of poverty.
Voices provides healthy, welcoming, and lively community centers where foster youth have access to comprehensive housing, education, employment, and wellness services that enable a successful and supportive transition to life as an independent adult.